Our parish is committed to serving those in need. At its heart, we believe in extending ourselves, our talents and resources to help others. We do that in many ways, including providing meals to parishioners, rides to doctor’s appointments, and visiting those at home, hospital and nursing home. We also have a range of outreach programs, including:
Books in Laundromats
Through this program, we have placed more than 15,000 free books in laundromats.
Food Pantry
We collect food and panty items and then work with the Long Island Council of Churches (LICC) to distribute them to those in need.
Camp De Wolfe Scholarship Fund
To provide scholarships to children to attend Camp De Wolfe, we host a variety of fundraisers, including our annual Trinity Christmas Boutique.
Adopt A Family
Around Christmas time, parishioners can participate in a program to provide gifts for a needy family.
Rural and Migrant Ministries
Collect coins to help support this valuable organization.
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous
We make our space available for their meetings. AA meets every Monday in the fireplace room at 8 p.m. and NA meets on Thursdays at 8 pm. Please enter through the rear parking lot kitchen door.
Blessing Bags
4th Saturday of the month
If you would like more information on how you can get involved in the Trinity Church outreach program, contact the Trinity office at 516-621-7925.
Upcoming Outreach Events
There are no events currently scheduled. Please check back later!

Blessing Bag
Hidden homeless mission in February
You can send donations by mail or go to our website and use the Donate button and indicate what you are donating for the hidden homeless mission in Feb.
Contact the office or Mother Joanne if you have any questions.